The Plan

The Plan

Learning about God's Plan for Salvation at South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church

Week 6 - Joseph

Joseph’s story is a roller coaster of events. Last week he was living the highlife as Jacob’s favorite son and then he was betrayed and sold into slavery by his own brothers. As a slave he rose to the highest position possible in the house of Potiphar and then, after he was falsely accused, he was thrown into prison. Finally, he rises again to a place of prominence. The whole account is an up and down ride with twists and turns around every corner.

The important thing for us to notice for our daily lives is that in all of these readings God is always with Joseph, even in the middle of his mess. God watches over him when he is at home with his family and when he is in prison. God gives him strength when he is tempted, and as we will see this week, God gives Joseph the ability to forgive. Through all these events, God is putting Joseph in a place to make sure Abraham’s descendants survive the famine and His promise of a Savior will be fulfilled.