The Forge Youth Ministry (6th-12th grades)

Sunday and Wednesday Programming have begun for the school year!
Welcome to The Forge Youth Ministry (for 6th-12th graders) at South Shore Trinity! Our youth are given opportunities to grow in their faith, connect with their friends, and reach out to those in need. We’ve created a space where hard questions can be asked and real life can be talked about. In Youth Group we discuss various real life topics that teens walk with each day and discover how God is showing up, and what he has to say. In addition to our weekly gathering, we also have monthly youth activities and service projects.
Sunday Mornings:
9:30-10:30am in the youth room for donuts, iced coffee/other drinks, and fellowship.
Wednesday Evenings:
5:30 pm Dinner
6:00-8:00 pm Confirmation (6th-8th)/High School Youth Group (9th-12th)
6:00-7:00 pm The Foundry (K-5th) - Except during Lent and Advent (See our Kids page for more info)
Our youth team is made up of four adults who are ready to share the love of Christ with every youth, and show them that they are important and valued. Our team includes Brian Sinkula, Cory Pederson, and Katelyn and Daniel Washburn.
General Calendar, Fun Events and Service Projects: The Youth Board provides various events and projects throughout the year. Our calendar of events is available via the Church Center app. Please use the button below to download instructions on how to access the app! This is where the most up-to-date information can be found and where you can ask questions quickly.
**Please use the button below to download our Release and Liability form, and then drop off the completed form to our church office prior to your child attending their first youth programming.**
We hope to see you soon!