Family Ministry

Family Ministry

So many exciting opportunities for kids and families to grow in the faith!


Teaching the faith to kids is important. Teaching parents how to teach the faith is just as important. And there are a number of ways to be involved in the family ministry happening here at South Shore Trinity. Check out this list of some of the bigger programs we have going, that are easy to plug in to.

Sunday School

Held during the educational hour between services on Sunday, Sunday School runs from 9:30-10:30am.

Besides being taught the faith, kids get to serve as well, with various service projects throughout the year.

More information about Sunday School can be found on the Sunday School page of the website.

Kid’s Corner

We love to have kids in the worship service, to participate, watch, and learn. But we also understand that sometimes kids need to get the wiggles out, so we have a “Kid’s Corner” for that very reason. Located in our Lounge, where the worship service can also be seen on the TV, kids can release some energy, and Mom and/or Dad don’t need to miss out.

Worship activity bags are also available as you enter the sanctuary, to help keep busy hands occupied.

The Foundry Kid’s Ministry

The Foundry kids ministry is a Wednesday night program for kids in Kindergarten through 4th grade. We meet every Wednesday from 6:30-7pm. Additionally, we invite all family members to join us weekly for Family Games @5:30pm and Family Meal @6:00pm.

To find out more, check out the Foundry’s webpage.

Vacation Bible School                 

Check out our VBS Page for more information!

South Shore Trinity Preschool

Our Preschool is also a vital part of our family ministry. They have their own webpage that can be found at