Trinity Guild / Women's Ministry
The bulk of the Women’s Ministry that happens at South Shore Trinity is done by the Trinity Guild: a women’s group serving the Lord by serving others through many different roles. Come join us on the first Tuesday of every month. Meetings start at 2:00pm unless otherwise indicated. Contact Joanne Lundgren at 651-429-1571 or for more information or to get involved.
Past event hosted at SST.
On April 23, 2022, South Shore Trinity Ladies Guild hosted the 2022 LWML St. Croix River Zone Spring Rally.
Lutheran Women in Mission learned about “Living and Sharing TRUTH in a World that Doesn’t Agree” from Rev. Jon Kuehne, pastor at Trinity First Lutheran Church and School in Minneapolis in the heart of the most diverse square mile in the US.
Jeanette Stohlmann also discussed her new book Joy Along the Journey—the joys she discovered while caring for her husband over the last several years.
Out-going Zone President Mary Torno presided. Rev. Schoenfeld installed the new Zone Officers.
Trinity Guild Officers
Gloria Kopp and Robyn Stuemke, Co-Presidents
Gloria: 651-429-7412 or and Robyn: 651-426-1022 or
Karen Kropelnicki, Secretary
651-429-6160 or
Joanne Lundgren, Treasurer
651-429-1571 or
Guild Projects
Trinity Guild:
The goal of this group is attained through a united effort to strengthen personal faith and conviction, to promote a spirit of Christian fellowship among the women of the church, and to perform useful service. The Trinity Guild meets the first Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm or 6:30pm. If you would like further information on the guild, please contact Mary Torno or Muriel Janneke.
Trinity Guild maintains the prayer chains at SST, both phone and email chains. To add someone to one of the prayer chains, contact Emmie Boleen or Muriel Janneke.
Catering Consultants – Guild will help groups/families with catered receptions. Chair of this committee is Joanne Lundgren. She can answer all your questions.
Funeral Receptions – Refreshments/lunch after a funeral are provided as a service to the family and their friends if they so desire. Call Joanne Lundgren for more information.
Coffee and Donut Committee – This group keeps SST supplied with coffee and donuts on Sunday mornings. If you would like to help with this please call Sally Ackerley.
Fundraisers – Bake Sales are held twice a year. We would love to have more donations of baked goods and items are always for sale for your enjoyment. To donate or help with sales contact Terry Borkenhagen.
German Dinner – This fun dinner is held each fall. Proceeds in the past have gone to help support community projects and our mission projects. To help with this dinner, contact Joanne Lundgren.
**You do not have to be a member of the Trinity Guild to volunteer for any of these items.**
Dorcas Circle
The Dorcas Circle is comprised of a group of women who meet each month for fellowship, lunch, a devotion/Bible Study led by pastor, and to work on meaningful service projects. Our main project is making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Through our freewill offerings we are able to contribute to various missions and organizations such as Bethesda Lutheran Home, Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch, Orphan Grain Train, SST Youth, etc.
Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month, September through June at 11:30am. We welcome you to join us!
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)
Many women in the Trinity Guild are also very active in the LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League). This national ministry has recently undergone a tagline change and rebranding and is now “Lutheran Women in Mission.”
To see what is happening at the national level, click To see what is happening at the district level, specifically in the Minnesota South District, click here.