To many people the account of the first Christmas has been over shadowed by toys, trees and parties. When we hear the word “Christmas” instead of mangers, shepherds and angels, we often think of the endless competition to find the perfect gift and the constant struggle to shoehorn event after event into our calendars. With all that activity and focus on material things something very important can get lost. In all the commotion we often lose sight of the fact that we already have the greatest Gift, God's Son, Who was given at just the perfect time.
In order to help us refocus our Christmas and our daily lives, this week we will celebrate Christmas in September. It all begins with God’s Son being sent to a little town in the middle of nowhere to fulfill a prophecy and a promise. The prophecy was that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem and the promise said God would send a Savior through Abraham’s descendants. Both of which these came true in a most wonderful and a terribly tragic way.