The Plan

The Plan

Learning about God's Plan for Salvation at South Shore Trinity Lutheran Church

Week 27– Judah: Hezekiah, Isaiah and Sennacherib

Many Christians have mistakenly believed that being a Christian means that they will live a life free from trouble. As a result their faith has been rattled when problems come into their lives. However, the Bible shows us that often the exact opposite is true. Because of our sinful actions, because of the sinful actions of others and because Satan is actively trying to destroy us, bad things will come into our lives. The question then becomes; how do we, as God’s people, handle those troubles and problems? Do we allow those troubles to tear us away from God or do we let them draw us closer to God as we look to Him for deliverance and strength.

            This week we will read about King Hezekiah, a king whom the Bible says was second only to David in his faithfulness. But being faithful didn’t keep Hezekiah from experiencing problems. While King Hezekiah reigned over Judah the nation of Assyria attached and laid siege to Jerusalem. The key to this account is in how King Hezekiah handled the evil that came his way. He prepared for the war and diligently tried to find other solutions but through it all he trusted in God to save him. A trust that was rewarded in a spectacular way.