Leviticus is a “How to” book on how Israel was to worship and live. It is highly structured and it reveals that our God is a God of order and a God who cares about how His people live and worship.
But Leviticus is much more than just a “How to” book. It is also a wonderful foreshadowing of God’s plan to save His people. The sheep and lambs that were sacrificed as sin offerings pointed, just as the Passover lamb did, to the Savior who was the ultimate Sacrifice for us. The same Savior who was promised to Adam and Eve, who was the fulfillment of the covenant made with Abraham, and who came from the people that God saved through Moses.
The fact that these laws foreshadow Christ is also important for us because, since these laws have found their complete fulfillment in Christ, we no longer sacrifice animals or follow the other ceremonial laws in Leviticus and elsewhere. Christ fulfilled them for us. He was and is the perfect sacrifice that was made once and for all. (Hebrews 10)