Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Mission Statement
The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
On April 23, 2022, South Shore Trinity hosted the 2022 LWML St. Croix River Zone Spring Rally.
Lutheran Women in Mission learned about “Living and Sharing TRUTH in a World that Doesn’t Agree” from Rev. Jon Kuehne, pastor at Trinity First Lutheran Church and School in Minneapolis in the heart of the most diverse square mile in the US.
Jeanette Stohlmann also discussed her new book Joy Along the Journey—the joys she discovered while caring for her husband over the last several years.
Out-going Zone President Mary Torno presided. Rev. Schoenfeld installed the new Zone Officers.
Minnesota South District Mission Grants 2012-2014
National Mission Grants - $63,750
The Dwelling Place - $10,000
Student Financial Aid - Full-Time Professional Church Workers LCMS - $50,000
Concordia Theological Seminary Food and Clothing Co-Op, Fort Wayne - $10,000
Scholarships for Lutheran High Schools in the MN South District - $50,000
Audio Bible Study: Lutheran Blind Mission - "Helping Blind People See Jesus" - $4,000
Mission Central, Support of Missionaries Worldwide, Iowa - $20,000
Raising Up Native Leaders in Alaska's Interior, Lutheran Indian Ministries - $15,000
Equipment Update to China Town Diner - $10,000
Trinity/Hope, Lebanon, TN (Haiti) - $5,000
Special Education Services n Lutheran Schools, Luth. Special Ed. Ministries - $7,500
Community Outreach Through Summer Bridge To Success, Minneapolis - $8,200
Hmong Pastor in Frogtown Neighborhood of St. Paul (Partial) - $1,550
To find out more, visit the LWML Minnesota South District’s website at mnslwml.org.